Thursday, January 21, 2010

under my pre pregnancy weight

weighed in on monday and lost another 1.6kg, that brings me to 96kg which is 600g lighter than what i was when i fell pregnant with takudzwa! yay! was extremely happy with that result. next goal is to be under 90kg by easter!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

my boys and i

here is a recent pic of my sons, shammah and takudzwa and myself

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

its a boy!

hi all, sorry its been so long since i have posted anything. i have had my baby boy, born 2nd october 2009, takudzwa mark, weighing 8lbs 13oz. all went well and he is just the cutest lil bubba. he is now 13weeks old, how time flies eh. we have settled into a reasonable routine but man it was hard at first, i felt like i could never get anything work, shower etc. life with a 3yr old and baby is much much diff to just hving a 3yr old! but its all good now! :)
i went back to weight watchers about 6weeks ago and hv lost 6.9kg! yay! i had gained 8kg during pregnancy so i have almost gotten to my weight b4 pregnancy, again, yay! so im now 98.4kg. my goal now is to go under 90...when those scales say 89.9 im gunna hug the closest person next to me! i cant even remember the last time i was under that day is gunna be awesome! but one step at a time eh.
my hubby is being supportive as ever, he is such a darlin. he is so proude of me...i know i have a long way to go but i can do it, by the grace of God i can.
ok, its late now and i have to go to bed.
night all.
jacqueline xoxoxoxox

Friday, August 7, 2009

iron tablets

i really dont like taking iron tablets. they always make me constipated, its so horrible. pregnancy gives it to me as it is but then the iron tabs make it worse. oh the joys of it all! last night i ate spaghetti bof for tea, i used heart smart mince and all the good stuff and guess wot, today i hv the poo's! joy of joys! goes from one extreme to the other. it really isnt pleasant at all.
saw my doc on wed, everything is going well with bub, the doc was happy and we got to see a really good facial profile of him, it was so cute! sheppy wasnt able to make the my lil sis came with me, she also had her son there and shammah was there, the boys wernt really interested in looking at the baby, more interested in what they could touch in the room! its getting harder to sit up off that bed when u hv a scan, the doc even helped me up. he was so funny, he is normally rather reserved and sometimes in such a rush he wants u in and out in 2mins but this week he was being so silly and cracking jokes, mel and i r sure he was on happy pills! :)
i hvnt weighed myself for a couple of weeks, my belly is getting so big now im sure i must hv put more weight on. go to the midwives on the 19th so will weigh myself then.
wanna catch up on reading all your blogs now.
lets hope my tummy settles down! Jx

Friday, July 24, 2009

9and half weeks to go!

hiya, it seems like an eternity that i have written on here. sorry for being so slack! im now 30 and half weeks preggers, my tummy is huge and its getting more uncomfortable to sleep at night. the baby kicks heaps, its so awesome. its really cool if u lay in the bath and watch the belly being kicked and wobble...shammah thinks its so funny too! all is going well, i hv been getting a bit of sickness here and there but nothing too bad. indigestion is a bit of a killer, hv to be really careful what i eat otherwise it nearly kills me. i never had this with my first one. i hv had a little bit of low blood pressure and bit low in iron but both not much to worry about. i wasnt happy about taking iron tablets as they can make you constipated and give u black stools-lovely-but so far it hasnt been too bad, i take the tablets every second day so im guessing that helps.
we have been buying more baby stuff now, even getting boxes of nappies when they are on sale coz we all know how expensive they are and how many we go thru! a friend from church is giving us a cot which is a real blessing and my sister in law is giving us her baby change table and cradle to use which is also a huge blessing. i hv put lots of things on laybye, its so awesome being home in australia for the birth of our second child, not only coz of being near family but coz in the uk they dont do laybys! u either buy them on the day or use store cards...and we all know how dangerous that can be! u pay high interest and also get yourself into serious debt-not good! so being able to goto kmart or target and put laybys on is wonderful! its the small things in life eh! :)
weight wise i have put on 6kg, which im very happy about. i lost weight at the start of the pregnancy as i was vomiting constantly but after about 5months that calmed right down, praise God! so now im putting on a bit of weight but its not too much which is good. i hvnt been too good with my eating, sometimes i eat rubbish food like chocolate or a packet of chips but i dont go for food like kfc or mc donalds! but i hvnt been a saint either! im looking forward to getting back on track with ww after the baby is born and just cant wait to loose weight! i wonder how much i can loose by jan? when the hot weather really starts to kick in in tassie...well...with tassie u never know what the weathers gunna do but here's hopeing eh! i have bumped into a couple of people from ww in town and they r all so friendly and wanna know how im going. im always keen to tell them im looking forward to going back to ww coz its true, i really am. i hv a real positive outlook and there is no turning back to the old me. i know i will be breast feeding and it might not come off like b4 but i can still loose weight even if it does take a bit longer. it will be so cool to see the other ladies from my meeting and see there progress, i bet they r looking like a million dollars!
anyway peoples i had better go get some house work done. i will try not to leave it so long for my next post!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

its so cold!

its so cold here in tasmania. sometimes i wonder why we dont move to queensland or somewhere much warmer than here. we have had the heating on all day! this weather has made me want to cook soup, so i guess thats one good thing. i have a few recipes from friends which im gunna try, im totally craving pumpkin soup, i bought some in the supermarket but its just not the same as when you eat home made.
im 18weeks preggers now, i got for my detailed scan on monday and cant wait! im feeling alot better and havnt been sick much at all this week which is brilliant. my tummy is getting bigger now, i was singing on stage in church on sunday and when i got down my hubby was like, wow, you can really see your pregnant now, the bump is fat already so its nice when a baby bump instead of fat roll is showing! haha
anyway peoples i gotta go get tea started, my hubby wants an apricot crumble so id better be nice and make it for him, its his fav. i might just have a small portion too...but wont over do it!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

im pregnant!

ok so i havnt written on here in like 50years!
i have some wonderful news, im pregnant! 17weeks to be exact. we have been trying for another baby for some time now (we hv 2and half year old) and finally it happened! we were both over the moon, but then i got a bit sad when the realisation set in that i could no longer continue with weight watchers, they wont allow you to do it until 6weeks after the baby is born, which is fair enough. so i had to come to terms with it all. i have lost 27.7kg so far with weight watchers and now i have lost a further 2.3kg so thats total loss of 30kg! reason for loosing a bit more is because im constantly nauseaus and vomiting most days...morning noon and night! not pretty! i have felt pretty ill during this pregnancy, which i did with my last as well, lost 10kg with shammah, coz being sick all the time. i just hope the vomiting dosnt last as long as it did with shammah, which was for the whole pregnancy!
im starting to perk up a bit tho, im able to cook meals more often now, my poor hubby was doing most of the cooking as the sight of raw meat would nearly kill me and to even go in a supermarket i would gag and hv to run out and spew...not pretty!
anyway folks just wanted to let you all know im alive and well and very happy but have had to put the weight loss on hold for a few months. baby is due 28th sept so i should be back on track somewhere in november! yay! keep up the good work peoples.
God bless, jacqueline